Phone number.: +420 604 440 462
Do you have any questions? We'll answer them. Please fill out your contact details carefully.
I will design jewelry from sketch to final realization - wedding and engagement rings, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, cufflinks...
To make a custom piece of jewelry, please specify the type of jewelry you wish to create.
If you are interested in jewelry from my e-shop and want to see it before buying or buy it in my studio, you can arrange a personal meeting at this address by prior arrangement:
Klára Bílá
Holešovice, U smaltovny 1335/20H
17000 Praha – Holešovice
IČ: 71784187Call to.: +420 604 440 462
After Sundays and holidays by appointment. Just write or call an hour in advance. Orders can also be picked up at the address above.
You can also see some jewelry in these sales galleries:
- Vidda, Elišky Krásnohorské 134/9, Praha 1, 110 00
Po až pá 11 až 19 hodin , so 11 až 18 hodin - Artisème, Velkopřevorské nám. 4, 118 00 Malá Strana Po až ne 10 - 19h
- Neumannka, Neumannova 161, Prachatice
Po až pá 9 až 16 hodin
Delivery address for correspondence and complaints:
Klára Bílá
Holešovice, U smaltovny 1335/20e
170 00 Praha – Holešovice